
Create an event program with the streamer component. Metro UI contains css classes and plugin to create streamer component.


Streamer is a complex element for creating an event program. The component includes a special HTML structure, styles, and a javascript code to interact with this structure.

Create streamer

To create streamer you must execute three steps: add container with data-role="streamer" attribute, then define other options over data-* attributes and define streamer data with data-source or data-data attributes. Also you must define id attribute for your streamer.

                    <div id="streamer"


The streamer contains a number of options for defining behavior:

Option Data-* Default Desc
defaultClosedIcon data-default-closed-icon Default icon for closed event
defaultOpenIcon data-default-open-icon Default icon for open event
changeUri data-change-uri true If true, browser url will be changed when event selected
encodeLink data-encode-link true If true, streamer link will be encoded with Base64
closed data-closed false Streamer is closed. Event are not can be selected
startFrom data-start-from null Streamer can be slided to this time pint after create
slideToStart data-slide-to-start false If true, Streamer will be slided to time pint defined in startFrom options after create
startSlideSleep data-start-slide-sleep 1000 Timeout before sliding to start time point
source data-source Link to stream data
data data-data Object with stream data
eventClick data-event-click select Behavior when clicking on a event. This value can be select or click
streamSelect data-stream-select false If true, user can be select one stream on click them and disable others.
onStreamerCreate data-on-streamer-create Metro.noop Callback
onStreamClick data-on-stream-click Metro.noop Callback
onStreamSelect data-on-stream-select Metro.noop Callback
onEventClick data-on-event-click Metro.noop Callback
onEventSelect data-on-event-select Metro.noop Callback

Streamer data

An important parameter of the streamer is the parameter that determines the data for the streamer. Data for the streamer can be determined in two ways: data-source=* attribute, data-data=* attribute.

Data for a streamer is an object of a certain format. This is a link to demo data. This object contains four main section:

  • actions - user defined actions
  • timeline - timeline definition
  • streams - streams definition
  • global - additions events

                        actions: {...}
                        timeline: {...}
                        streams: {...}
                        global: {...}


User define action showing in top left corner of streamer and hide when streamer collapsed (default). For details see streamer responsive feature. Each action is described by three parameters: html - html value for action, cls - additional classes for action, onclick - click event for action (rules for defining events in Metro UI).

                        actions: [
                                html: "<span class='mif-print'></span>",
                                cls: "fg-red",
                                onclick: "alert('Printed!!!')"


To define timeline you can use same name section. This section contains three parameters: start - begin time, stop - end time, step - step in minutes.

                        timeline: {
                            start: "09:00",
                            stop: "18:00",
                            step: 20


Streams are defined in streams section. Each stream is described with next parameters: title, secondary, icon, cls, data, events.

                        streams: [
                                title: "Internet business",
                                secondary: "room 1",
                                icon: "",
                                cls: "bg-teal fg-white",
                                data: "any data, stored to stream object",
                                events: [...]

Each stream can be contains events. Events is described with next parameters: icon, time, title, subtitle, desc, size, selected, closed, closedIcon, openIcon, clsClosedIcon, clsOpenIcon, data, cls, target, row, html.

                        events: [
                                icon: "images/olshanskysmall.jpg",
                                time: "09:00",
                                title: "Alexandr Olshansky",
                                subtitle: "Internet Invest Group",
                                desc: "Information revolution - the way to new middle ages",
                                size: 1,
                                selected: 0,
                                closed: true,
                                data: {},
                                closedIcon: "<span class='mif-video-camera'></span>",
                                openIcon: "<span class='mif-apps'></span>",
                                target: "",
                                cls: ""
Param Desc
icon html tag for event icon
time Event time point
title Event title
subtitle Event subtitle
desc Event short description
size Event size. Can be from 1 to 10
row Nested row from 1 to ...
shift Event shift (shift the event to the right of the previous one). Can be from 1 to 10
selected Event mark as selected. Can be 1 or 0
closed Event mark as close. Can be 1 or 0
closedIcon If event is closed, this icon showing on top right corner
openIcon If event is open, this icon showing on top right corner
target If event is closed, this param contains target. When user click on closed event browser switched to this target.
data Any data, can be stored to event
cls Additional class for event
clsClosedIcon Additional class for closed event icon
clsOpenIcon Additional class for open event icon
html Create event with custom html

Additions Events

Before and after main events you can define additional global events. To define global event use section global. Each event in global stream must be described with six parameters: time, size, cls, title, subtitle, html.

                        global: {
                            before: [
                                    time: "08:40",
                                    size: 1,
                                    cls: 0,
                                    title: "Registration",
                                    subtitle: "08:40 - 09:00",
                                    html: "Any valid html code",
                            after: [
                                    time: "12:00",
                                    size: 2,
                                    cls: "p-2",
                                    title: "Closing ceremony"
                                    time: "12:40",
                                    size: 2,
                                    cls: "p-2",
                                    title: "Banquet"


Streamer contains the numbers of usefulness methods:

  • getLink() - return link to same streamer with pre-selected events
  • getTimes() - return array with time points
  • getEvents(type, include_global) - return array with events. Type can be: selected, non-selected or all (default)
  • slideTo(time) - slide streamer to required time, time must be string in format HH:MI
  • enableStream(stream) - enable stream after it can be disabled
  • disableStream(stream) - disable stream
  • toggleStream(stream) - toggle stream state
  • source(src) - change streamer source and redraw
  • data(src) - change streamer data and redraw
  • source() - get streamer source
  • data() - get streamer data
  • getStreamerData() - get streamer internal data


On default, streamer showing in collapsed mode:

                    <div data-role="streamer"

                    <div class="streamer-expand-sm"

To expand streams markers, add one of classes: .streamer-expand, .streamer-expand-sm, .streamer-expand-md, .streamer-expand-lg, .streamer-expand-xl, .streamer-expand-xxl. See media breakpoints.


You can change attributes data-source, data-data, data-stream-select at runtime and streamer will be updated.